Improving Population Health

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Defending Telehealth Ecosystems

Defending Telehealth Ecosystems

The telehealth ecosystem is a complex combination of technologies enabling new capabilities for delivery of patient centric care. This HIMSS18 session by Ronnie Daldos, MITRE, introduces threat based defense as a key component of a comprehensive risk management strategy.

Challenges facing agencies

A report by Christopher Teixeira and Matthew Boyas, MITRE, under a project for the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the Department of Health and Human Services. The report explores the state of the use of predictive analytics in child welfare by conducting an environmental scan of child welfare agencies, academia, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit vendors.

Cracking the Code to End Child Fatalities from Abuse and Neglect Video

Cracking the Code to End Child Fatalities from Abuse and Neglect Video

What does sharing aviation safety data have to do with creating a safer world for kids in the child welfare system? MITRE’s Executive Director, Population Health and Well-being, Dr. Mark Thomas and MITRE’s Department Chief Engineer and Lead Data Scientist Chris Teixeira saw a common data problem and made the connection. Watch their call to action.

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By working through these challenges together across government, public and private entities, and academia, we can solve problems for a safer world.

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