Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Increased Access
Bonnie: Tips for Debugging Clinical Quality Language eCQMs A HIMSS18 presentation The transition from the Quality Data Model to Clinical Quality Language (CQL) will impact health IT vendors implementing electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). MITRE will discuss...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Increased Access
The Art and Science of eCQM Field Testing A HIMSS18 presentation The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) administers the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, which provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, support...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Increased Access
Getting Started with CQL: Technical Implementation for Vendors A HIMSS18 presentation Transitioning from the Quality Data Model to Clinical Quality Language (CQL) impacts health IT vendors who implement electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM). This session...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, HIMSS18 Presentations, Improved Experience of Care, Increased Access
CMS eCQM Strategy: The Future of eCQMs A HIMSS18 presentation CMS is developing an electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) strategy, focused on decreasing provider burden and improving the value and usability of eCQMs. This session provides an overview of the...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Improved Experience of Care
Using Predictive Analytics to Save Lives A HIMSS18 presentation Johns Hopkins University and MITRE will discuss new research and technology — developed in partnership with doctors and hospitals — that apply machine learning and predictive analytics on clinical data to...
Feb 2, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, Improved Experience of Care, Improving the Patient Experience, Increased Access
Simplifying Clinical Notes to Reduce Provider Burden MITRE’s Andre Quina shares early findings from research with healthcare providers to capture high quality health data from clinical notes as part of routine care to reduce burden and improve patient care. Q&A...