Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Advancing Healthcare Cybersecurity through Cyber Partnerships A HIMSS18 presentation Cyber security is a challenging problem, especially in today’s world of advanced cyber actors, ransomware, and other insidious threats. Sector-based and regional cyber partnerships...
Mar 9, 2018 | Creating a Learning Health System, Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, Enhancing Rural Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Improving Population Health, Improving the Patient Experience, Protecting Data and Devices
Defending Telehealth Ecosystems A HIMSS18 presentation The telehealth ecosystem is a complex combination of technologies enabling new capabilities for delivery of patient centric care. This session introduces threat based defense as a key component of a comprehensive...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Healthcare Cybersecurity Preparedness & Response A HIMSS18 presentation The recent escalation of cyber-attacks and the potential for combined cyber and physical attacks means the healthcare industry must better secure itself. Come hear about a “whole of community”...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Detecting Cyber Threats with ATT&CK-based Analytics A HIMSS18 presentation Despite the growing use of cyber threat-based defenses, breaches still occur and detecting them remains difficult. Once an attacker penetrates a network, there are numerous ways to...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Managing Medical Device Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities A HIMMS18 presentation Medical device cybersecurity continues to evolve. Multiple initiatives are working to improve device cybersecurity, to include development of a Common Vulnerability Scoring System...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Creating Practical Cybersecurity Guidance for PACS A HIMSS18 presentation NIST’s Applied Cybersecurity Division Chief Kevin Stine alongside Cybersecurity Researcher Kevin Littlefield will discuss the newest healthcare sector project, Securing Picture Archiving and...