Oct 4, 2018 | Designing New Models for Better Health, Protecting Data and Devices
MITRE Creates Playbook on Medical Device Cybersecurity The MITRE Corporation, working closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), created the Medical Device Cybersecurity Regional Incident Preparedness and Response Playbook. The playbook outlines a...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Cybersecurity at NIST A HIMSS18 presentation NIST’s Applied Cybersecurity Division Chief Kevin Stine will discuss his strategic vision for Cybersecurity and Privacy Applications, Cybersecurity Framework, NCCoE, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, and...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Advancing Healthcare Cybersecurity through Cyber Partnerships A HIMSS18 presentation Cyber security is a challenging problem, especially in today’s world of advanced cyber actors, ransomware, and other insidious threats. Sector-based and regional cyber partnerships...
Mar 9, 2018 | Creating a Learning Health System, Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, Enhancing Rural Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Improving Population Health, Improving the Patient Experience, Protecting Data and Devices
Defending Telehealth Ecosystems A HIMSS18 presentation The telehealth ecosystem is a complex combination of technologies enabling new capabilities for delivery of patient centric care. This session introduces threat based defense as a key component of a comprehensive...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Healthcare Cybersecurity Preparedness & Response A HIMSS18 presentation The recent escalation of cyber-attacks and the potential for combined cyber and physical attacks means the healthcare industry must better secure itself. Come hear about a “whole of community”...
Mar 9, 2018 | Cybersecure Data & Devices, Designing New Models for Better Health, HIMSS18 Presentations, Protecting Data and Devices
Detecting Cyber Threats with ATT&CK-based Analytics A HIMSS18 presentation Despite the growing use of cyber threat-based defenses, breaches still occur and detecting them remains difficult. Once an attacker penetrates a network, there are numerous ways to...