Predictive Analytics for Mental Health Outcomes: A Case for Novel Applications of the Hedonometer

Predictive Analytics for Mental Health Outcomes: A Case for Novel Applications of the Hedonometer A HIMSS18 presentation Grounded in behavioral experimentation, the Hedonometer is an instrument to remotely-sense emotional states and levels, in real time or post hoc....
Empowering Patients In Their Own Healthcare

Empowering Patients In Their Own Healthcare

Empowering Patients In Their Own Healthcare Watch how Kristina Sheridan identifies and evaluates methods to empower patients with chronic illnesses to better manage their care and to fully engage with providers to improve their health outcomes. Read the Q&A with...
Simplifying Clinical Notes to Reduce Provider Burden

Simplifying Clinical Notes to Reduce Provider Burden

Simplifying Clinical Notes to Reduce Provider Burden MITRE’s Andre Quina shares early findings from research with healthcare providers to capture high quality health data from clinical notes as part of routine care to reduce burden and improve patient care. Q&A...