Penny Chase

Penny Chase

Information Technology and Cybersecurity Integrator

Penny Chase is the Information Technology and Cybersecurity Integrator in the Human- and Data-Centered Solutions Technical Center at MITRE. She has led MITRE and government-sponsored projects in numerous cyber security and malware threat and analysis efforts, including sharing healthcare fraud data and applying natural language processing to medical device adverse event reports. Ms. Chase currently supports MITRE’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) / Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) projects on medical device cybersecurity (leading the effort to develop a Common Vulnerability Scoring System rubric tailored to medical devices) and MITRE’s cyber security architecture and workforce development work for U.S. Veterans Affairs. Previously, she led the Malware Attribute Enumeration Characterization (MAEC) project for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); served as the Deputy Director of the Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA) Northeast Regional Research Center, managing workshops that addressed Intelligence Community challenge problems; and was a member of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Advisory Council’s subcommittee on Avionics, Software, and Cybersecurity. Ms. Chase earned an M.A. in the History of Science, and an M.S. in Computer Science, from Harvard University.

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