Sep 21, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, Cybersecure Data & Devices
Making FY19 The “Year of Data Quality” for Medicaid MITRE’s Rebecca Bruno shares perspectives on CMS efforts to achieve Medicaid data quality to improve its oversight functions and provide data to the public that can be used effectively by researchers and...
Jun 20, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, Cybersecure Data & Devices, High Quality Data, Improving the Patient Experience
Who’s using health data from your fitbit and smartphone? The importance of ethical standards for consumer-generated data use in healthcare was a hot topic at AcademyHealth’s recent 2018 Health Datapalooza conference. In this blog post in partnership with...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Improved Experience of Care, Increased Access
Easier Clinical Notes to Improve Care and Research A HIMSS18 presentation MITRE will demonstrate an open source application to empower clinicians to author clinical notes while simultaneously enabling low burden collection of structured clinical data. This data will...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Increased Access
Health Information Sharing Maturity Model A HIMSS18 presentation Health Information Sharing Maturity Model: A Tool to Enable Effective Interoperability for States – Health interoperability is key for improving care coordination, efficiency, and reducing physician...
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations, Increased Access
A National Repository of Widely-Shareable, Computable CDS A HIMSS18 presentation CDS Connect is an AHRQ-sponsored project to collect, build, store and make available a wide range of Clinical Decision Support (CDS) artifacts in both human-readable and computable forms....
Mar 9, 2018 | Advancing Health Through Interoperability, Creating a Learning Health System, High Quality Data, HIMSS18 Presentations
Cypress: New Features, Clinical Quality Language Support, and Burden Reduction A HIMSS18 presentation The transition from the Quality Data Model to Clinical Quality Language (CQL) will impact health IT vendors implementing electronic clinical quality measures. MITRE...